Growing in Wholeness Course
Five Tuesday evenings starting on 15th April
Jesus said to his disciples: "I have come in order that you might have life, life in all its fullness." (John 10.10). This desire for us to have fullness of life is shown in the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ teaching and healing ministry and is a theme that runs throughout the Bible. In these sessions, our aim is to discover the proper expectations for Christians to have concerning healing and wholeness today so that we might all receive more of the "life in all its fullness" that Jesus promised.
We will take a thorough look at the Christian Healing Ministry in all its various dimensions, including: Spiritual Healing, Emotional Wholeness, Physical Healing, and overcoming Barriers to Wholeness. We’ll tackle some of the hard questions and discover more of God’s provision for us. After the five teaching sessions, there will be a special Healing Service. The course sessions are held in a framework of prayer and Biblical reflection and provide a safe space to learn and grow. So, wherever you are on your Christian journey, this course will help you grow personally and help us in our ministry together at St John’s.
We begin on Tuesday 15th April and the next 3 sessions will be on 22nd, 29th April and 6th May. We then have a short break before Session 5 on 20th May. The details of the Healing Service will be announced soon. Each session will begin at 7.45pm at St John’s, with coffee available at 7.30pm. We will finish before 9.30pm.
Please book via this link