Thank you so much for your financial support. We could not fulfil our God-given vision without the generous offering of your time, talents and finance. We encourage regular members of the church to contribute to the vision of the church and the activities associated with it.
Giving To SJC
Many members of St John’s choose to support the work of the church regularly and we are so very grateful to those who contribute in this way.
Monthly Giving
Monthly giving is vital to our mission as it enables us to plan impactful, long-term projects to reach more people with the love of Jesus.
Foundations for our Future
We are seeking to raise regular and one off giving to build the foundations for our future at St. Johns. We are inviting you to play your part in growing our Church so we can transform the lives of those in our community as we seek to raise an additional £50,000 of giving in 2025. To give to this specifically you can donate by going to this churchsuite link here
Online Giving
To donate online you can do this very simply by going to this Churchsuite link here
Standing Order
To set up or amend a standing order, log in to your online banking or visit your local branch with SJC’s bank account details:
St. John’s PCC
Account Number: 30777668
Sort Code: 20-22-67
Please quote reference as: your first name and surname.
Once you have set up or amended your standing order, please email us so we can identify your gift.
Gift Aid
If you are a UK taxpayer, please will you consider ticking the Gift Aid box, so we can receive an additional 25% of your donation.
If you have any questions around giving at SJC, please contact the church office.
Online Shopping
If you do some of your shopping online, please consider any online buying to be done through either of the options below. Each time you navigate online shopping via one of these links SJC will be donated anything between 0.5 and 5% depending on the retailer. Click on the links below and follow the simple instructions.