Mission @ SJC
To mobilise, send, serve and support the mission of SJC
At St John’s we are committed to enabling mission in and through everything we do. As the Mission Group we see our role as growing local and wider missional work that meets real needs. We are guided by Jesus’ command to love our neighbours as ourselves (Mark 12: 31), His great commission to spread his word to the ends of the Earth (Matthew 28:19-20) and His example of service (John 13: 14-15).
Below you will find information about organisations, charities and individuals that we have links with, both formally as Mission Partners and informally, through a network of links through members of SJC. This is not a definitive list of links, but we hope it sets the scene for what we are and aspire to be… a missional church, resourcing and sending in order to bring transformation to the world that we live in.
If you’d like to get involved in the Mission Group, or have any questions around mission in general, please email office@stjohnscolchester.org.uk.
Meet our mission partners & organisations!
Russell & Katharine Norton
Russell and Katharine work with Wycliffe Bible Translators in northern Nigeria, where they live with their daughter Lowenna. Russell heads a college programme to train the next generation for Bible translation into Nigerian languages. Katharine teaches Scripture Use in the college, demonstrating to students how they can use translated Scripture in ministry and communities. She also teaches workshops on applying faith to a farming lifestyle in local communities around Nigeria and as such is our Eco Church overseas project partner.
SJC contact: SANDRA HUFF |
Attila & Adele Toth
Working in the town of Reghin, Romania, Attila and Adel serve impoverished and marginalised Romany communities. The needs of these people are vast and Attila and Adele commit their lives to bringing the gospel to them, through both practical and prayerful service. Since 2017 SJC have sent over 150 people on short-term mission to Reghin to support the building of an orphanage and farm project which will serve these communities, as does the annual SJC Christmas shoebox project.
SJC contact: NIK READ |
Geoff & Marie-Louise Read
Geoff is chaplain of the Church of Luxembourg (city) and has responsibility for the whole Anglican church across the country. The church is made up of people from many different nations. Geoff & Marie-Louise recently hosted the first Alpha course the church has seen and try to express the depth and diversity of the Christian spiritual tradition so that all are welcome.
Beacon House
Beacon House has provided health and well-being services to homeless and marginalised people since 1996. We adapt our services to meet the changing climate of modern day Britain, but stay true to our core objective, relieving poverty and sickness for those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Our team of dedicated staff and volunteers provide an environment where people can be listened to without judgement or feeling pressured.
IBT - Richard Williams
Since 1999 Richard has been involved with IBT, which translates the Bible into the 130 languages spoken in the former Soviet Union. These are the “heart” languages of 85 million people. IBT is a Christian organisation and is currently involved in translating the Bible for about 60 people groups, partnering with organisations including Wycliffe/SIL and Richard is part of IBT’s international leadership and runs its UK charity.