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There’s always plenty going on at SJC during the week, on site in the community.


Click here to find out all the information about the services we offer each Sunday.

Kids & Youth

The vision of our Sunday children’s and youth groups is to help the children and young people to develop their own faith in God that will last their whole lives.

At our 10.30am services we have groups for 0-14s and after our 6.30pm service we have a youth group for 14-18s.

Everyone is welcome to join us, to have fun and learn more about God.

Messy Church

Messy Church is church with a difference! For all ages, but especially suitable for families with primary aged children.

We start with art, crafts, games and construction – a chance for everyone to have fun and be creative, with an area for younger children. We’ll also have a time together with singing, stories and prayer plus we serve up food to enjoy together.

Young Families

Refresh is a café-style group for parents and carers of 0-2’s, meeting Tuesday mornings in term time from 10.00am.

Families at 4 is our monthly Sunday afternoon event for families with reception aged and pre-school children.

Thursday Generation

Meeting every Thursday, we reach out to and serve the local, predominantly over 60’s in our community. It’s a great way to meet up with friends and make new ones!

Each week provides something different including a lunch club, drop in coffee morning, plus some special activities – a film, dance or quiz.

All this, alongside traditional Holy Communion Service and time for bible study, prayer and mutual support.


Click here to catch up with the recent SJC services, either on video or as an audio stream or download.

Please find below a link to this years AVM documents.
If you require a hard copy of the AVM document then please contact the office.

Final approved accounts – awaiting signature from Independent Examiner

Final AVM Report 2024.pdf

Independent Examiners Report and Financial Statements 2023 for AVM24.pdf


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